
2023 Cute Baby Contest

Entering your baby in a Baby Photo Contest can be a fun and exciting experience. 

This Picture Won The Most Recent Baby Contest


2023 Baby Photo Contest

Cute Baby Contest Winner

May 2023

What A Great Picture!  

It happened again.  This baby’s mother did everything right she took a simple picture that used  all of the photo tips we suggest, and it won $500!  Now it’s eligible for the Grand Prize worth over $25,000!*

  1. The baby is absolutly adorable – most babys are so if you have a cute baby and a camera you already have everything you need to win.
  2. The eye contact is great – make sure your baby is looking into the camera.  It helps creat an emotional connection and gets the judges attention.
  3. The background is perfect – using a solid background eliminates distrations and make you focus on the child.  
  4. The clothes are simple and complimentary to the childs complexion.
  5. The picture has been cropped and only includes from the shoulders up.  This helps to to fill the frame.
  6. The frame is filled – the image almost completly fills the frame and really gets your attention.
  7. The photo is incredibly focused and clear.  – Blury pictures never win..  

Once again this picture proves that photos that show emotion,  have eye contact and that fill the frame win baby photo contests.  

Well Done! 

 Do You Want to Win

A Baby Photo Contest?

Then, you’re in the right place  the CuteBabyContest.com has been monitoring baby photo contests for over 10 years.  We have been tracking the Gerber Baby Contest, the Cute Kid Contest and the Gap photo contests. 

During that time, there have been thousands of baby photo contest winners and over $200,000 thousand dollars in prizes awarded. 

We know what type of pictures win and will be happy to share that information with you.  Just sign up for Baby Contest News and we’ll teach you how to take great pictures that could help you win any baby photo contest

How Can You Win

A Baby Photo Contest?

It’s easy, just study the pictures on this page and learn about recent baby photo contest winners.  Every picture on this page is a baby photo contest winner.  Once you learn what type of pictures win, you can take similiar photos and then enter some great contests. 

More Baby Contest Winners

Baby Photo Contest

Baby Contest Winner – February

The expression is priceless!  

 What a great picture for a baby photo contest.  Did you know that you could win a baby photo contest by submitting a similiar picture. It’s really simple, but it does just about everything right. 

The picture is focused, the baby’s expression is lot’s of fun, the eye contact is excellent, the clothes are simple and the depth of field is excellent and the background is simple with minimal distrations. 

 Once again this picture proves that photos that show emotion,  have eye contact and that fill the frame win baby photo contests.  

Well Done! 

Baby Photo Contest

Baby Contest Winner – January

The expression is priceless!  

 What a beautiful picture of an adorable baby.  If you have a cute baby,  then yuou could win a baby photo contest by submitting a similiar picture. It’s really simple, but it does just about everything right. 

The picture is focused, the baby’s expression is lot’s of fun, the eye contact is excellent, the clothes are simple and the depth of field is excellent and the background is simple with minimal distrations. 

 Once again this picture proves that photos that show emotion,  have eye contact and that fill the frame win baby photo contests.  

Well Done! 

Baby Photo Contest

Baby Contest Winner – July 2022

What do we like about this winner? 

Her great big smile, her eye contact, and her expression make this a great picture.   Once again this picture proves that photos that show emotion,  have eye contact and that fill the frame win baby photo contests.  The picture also does a great job by keeping her outfit simple, the headband adds interest and the background does not include any distractions.

Well Done! 

Baby Photo Contest

Baby Contest Winner – June 2022

What do we like about this winner? 

The Eyes and the Expression!  The picture of this baby is incredible!  The eye contact and huge smile really stand out.  This has to be one of the happiest babies we’ve ever seen.  Not only does this is picture capture the baby’s emotion, it also does some technical things very well.  The subject is centered, the image is focused, and the depth of field is good.  What a good baby contest photo!

Great Job! 

Why You Should Enter This Month’s Contest?

Because you have a really cute kid, it’s lots of fun, it’s easy to enter, you get a free canvas print, and you could win some great prizes.

If you enter and your child is a category winnner, you will recieve a $500 cash prize.  If they are selected as the overall monthly winner in The Cute Kid Contest – then the prize increases to $1,000 cash.

All monthly category winners  are eligible for the Grand Prize worth over $25,000! 

How Can You Win This Month’s Contest?

1.    Learn From Past Winners

The following pictures were all winners of the Baby Photo Contest.  Look at them and learn from them.  Understanding who won and why may improve your chance of winning.

2.   Take A Great Picture!

This is a real photo contest and all of the winners are selected by a panel of judges. Don’t just send in any old picture just becasue you think it’s cute.  Picture quality is important, so you need to enter your best picture.

3.    Enter Until You Win!

Don’t give up – keep entering until you win at least one monthly contest.  Once you do that you not only will win the monthly prize between $500 and $1,000, you will automatically have a one in sixty chance for the Grand Prize.

This Picture

Won a Grand Prize

Worth Over $25,000!

Cute Kid Contest Winner

Recent Baby Contest Winners!

Baby Photo Contest - Winner

Baby Contest Winner – May 2022

What do we like about this winner? 

Everything, this picture is fantastic!   No wonder it won last month’s contest !  Not only is the child beautiful, but the +picture quality is exceptional!  It fills the frame beautifully, is perfectly clear and there ar no distractions!  What a good baby contest photo!

Great Job! 

Cute Baby Contest

April 2022 Baby Contest Winner

What we like about this photo – This is great example that proves that a simple well constructed photo can win a baby photo contest.  It does a great job of filling the frame, it has a simple background with no distractions.   They eye contact is excellent and the baby’s expression is priceless.  Well Done!

This is a fantastic example of the type of pictures that win baby photo contests Great Job!

Cute Baby Contest

March 2022 Baby Contest Winner

What we like about this photo – This is a fantastic picture.  It has wonderful eye contact, she has a great happy expression.  Her image is perfectly clear and centered in the frame. The outfit is perfect and the picture creates an emotional connection with the viewer.  This is a fantastic example of the type of pictures that win baby photo contests Great Job!

February 2022 Baby Contest Winner

What we like about this photo – This is one of the most interesting photos, that we’ve ever seen as a winner.  The picture Fills the Frame nicely, and has great eye contact and a wonderful expression.   Overall it’s a nice picture, but personally I could do without the food on the face.  Congratulations!

January 2022 Baby Contest Winner

What we like about this photo – This is a great picture  for  any Baby Photo Contest.  The eyes are fixed on the camera and the baby looks like a little model that provides the impression of a healthy happy child.   Great Job!!!

December 2021 Baby Photo Contest Winner

This is a great picture, the baby is centered directly in the picture and  is staring directly at the camera. Eye contact is very important in Baby Photo Contest.  Make sure your baby is looking at you when you take their picture.  The photo also looks like it was taken by a professional during a photo shoot.  This is ok for the Cute Kid Contest.  You can enter your photo shoot pictures as well as long as you have permission from the photographer.

November 2021 Baby Photo Contest Winner

What a great picture for a cute baby contest.  The eye contact is exceptional and the smile lets you know this baby is very happy.  Judges love to see pictures like this. Make sure your baby contest photos show your baby ath their very best.  The picture should make you feel good and smile.

October 2021 Baby Photo Contest Winner

Nice- Picture – Great, interesting outfit.  wonderful eye contact, big smile and excellent depth of field.

September 2021 Baby Photo Contest Winner

This is another great picture that shows how important it is to center your subject.  The stare directly into the camera helps the viewer to connect with the subject. The outfit is cute and appropriate and the background is plain with no distractions.

August 2021 2021 Baby Photo Contest Winner

Another nice picture that shows the importance of  centering the subject and minimizing distactions.  A big smile would have really helped this picture.